Privacy Policy Statement
Your privacy is important to us, so this website is constructed and operated to comply with the Australian Government Acts relating to Privacy and SPAM:
- PRIVACY: http://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacy-act/the-privacy-act
- SPAM: http://www.acma.gov.au/Industry/Marketers/Anti-Spam/Ensuring-you-dont-spam/key-elements-of-the-spam-act-ensuring-you-dont-spam-i-acma
- COPYRIGHT LAWS: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00180
This Privacy Policy has been published to provide a clear and concise outline of how and when personal information is collected, disclosed, used, stored and otherwise handled by bgdrilling.com.au. The Policy relates to personal information collected by the bgdrilling.com.au website.
bgdrilling.com.au treats the handling of your personal information very seriously. To that end, bgdrilling.com.au has systems and procedures in place to protect your privacy in relation to the handling of your personal and business information collected from this website.
bgdrilling.com.au abides by the National Privacy Principles, which provide a scheme in relation to the collection, disclosure, use, and storage of personal information. We handle your information responsibly and provide you with control over the way information about you is handled.
1. Collection of Personal and Business Information
Both personal and business information is information from which an individual or a businesses identity may be ascertained and confirmed. This information will include (but is not limited to) person name, land-based telephone number, registered business name, ABN number if applicable, business address and other details.
bgdrilling.com.au does not collect personal or business information unless it is necessary for bgdrilling.com.au to perform one or more of its functions and services being requested of it by the site user.
At all times information given to bgdrilling.com.au shall be with the full consent of the site user.
2. Use & Disclosure of Personal Information
Personal or business information provided to bgdrilling.com.au will not be shared with any other third party without the express consent of the owner of that personal and/or business information.
3. Personal Information Quality
bgdrilling.com.au requires that all personal and business information given to bgdrilling.com.au by the site user for the purpose of accessing our products and services is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To assist bgdrilling.com.au in ensuring this, please contact bgdrilling.com.au if any of your personal or business details change.
4. Personal Information Security
bgdrilling.com.au is committed to keeping your personal information secure, and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal and business information from unauthorised access, loss, misuse or alteration.
Your personal information may be stored in hard copy documents, or electronically on bgdrilling.com.au software or systems. Your personal and/or business information is NOT stored on the internet.
5. Access To Your Personal and/or Business Information
You may request access to your personal and/or your business information that you have provided bgdrilling.com.au in the first instance at time of application for a bgdrilling.com.au service.
The procedure for gaining access is as follows:
- All requests for access to your held information must be made through contact section of this website.
- Your request will be replied to within seven working days.
6. Changes To This Policy
bgdrilling.com.au may change this Policy from time to time for any reason and will update this published Privacy Policy Statement accordingly.
7. Concerns or Complaints
If you believe that your privacy may have been infringed or has been compromised in any way by bgdrilling.com.au please notify us immediately. All such concerns should initially be through the contact page of this website.
Any concerns about privacy or the security of your information will be personally dealt with by the Managing Director of bgdrilling.com.au.
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