BG Drilling is a leading provider of environmental drilling for site investigation projects. We have the equipment to complete projects in any site condition, despite access issues or restricted headroom. We provide these services consistently on time and on budget.

Some of the Environmental Services We Provide:
- Push Tube Sampling (Macrocore & Dual Tube) 50
- Solid Flight Auger
- Hollow Flight Auger
- Air Rotary
- Air Hammer
- Mud Rotary
- Tubex (Advance Casing)
- Diamond Coring
- Soil Vapour Well Installation
- Ground Water Monitoring Well Installation
- Extraction Well Installation
We provide push tube, dual tube, solid and hollow flight augering, rotary mud and rotary air drilling. We can conduct continuous soil sampling, install a variety of groundwater and soil vapour monitoring well sizes including nested and specialised instrumentation.
Drilling is supported by dedicated Non Destructive Drilling crews who can safely concrete core and air/water vacuum excavate boreholes in advance of drill crews. On many sites this combined approach is an efficient and smarter way to complete an incident free investigation on time and on budget.
How Can We Help You?
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