For those of you that didn’t know, a vacuum excavation truck is a construction vehicle that removes material from a hole in the land by making use of suction. Think of them as big vacuums that can safely bring up material to the surface that would otherwise take a longer time through other methods.
With that said, could a vacuum excavator truck help you on your next project? Read on below to find out about the different types of vacuum trucks and how they can help you!
Liquid Vacuum Excavation Trucks
As the name suggests, liquid vacuum trucks are used in a wide range of industrial applications to pump up only liquid substances. Generally, this type of application is used to clear septic tanks, catch basins, oil/water separators, oil spills and any other liquid that needs to be disposed of.
Combination Vacuum Excavation Trucks
Another amazing truck to have at any worksite, a combination vacuum truck is able to vacuum both liquid and dry materials. This type of truck uses a hydro-static drive to power the vacuum Usually, the operator can switch back and forth between wet and dry systems allowing for a wide range of versatility on the worksite.
These trucks are great options for the removal damp materials and clearing applications include:
- Sewer line clearing
- Storm drains
- Drainage ditches
- Catch basins
Industrial Vacuum Trucks
Industrial vacuum trucks are highly versatile pieces of machinery that make use of positive displacement blowers, which direct the air and make it possible to excavate a wide number of different materials. This type of truck is also one of the most powerful vacuum systems and are very popular in big projects, where a wide variety of work is taking place.
The filtration system within the truck makes it possible to use them in applications with lots of flying debris or ash like furnaces. Trucks are thus a popular choice when it comes to work being done in chemical and manufacturing plants. Other areas that can benefit from this trucks versatility are:
- Power plants
- Food manufacturing plants
- Farms
- Bag houses
Vacuum Tankers
For bigger, tougher jobs that require more vacuum power than an industrial vacuum truck can provide, the next step-up is a vacuum tanker. Vacuum tankers are able to pump,hold and transfer a variety of liquids and other materials at higher capacities than industrial vacuum trucks. If you have a massive job that requires the most a vacuum truck can provide, then a vacuum tanker is the go too machinery.
Vacuum Tankers Is the Way to Go
No matter the type of excavation job, vacuum excavation tankers are the way to go. With such versatility and ease of use, vacuum tankers take a hard job and make them easier, all while saving you money in the process.
Are you looking for a vacuum excavator for your next project? Not sure who will provide you with the best service? Go on over to our excavation page and find the best vacuum excavator for your next project!